晚餐就去batu caves的新记吃晚餐 庆祝hong的生日
然后就回我家 切cake. 又是secret recipe的 chocolate indulgence..
大人们就开酒来喝 我们就喝香槟咯
水兴call我叫我出去yamcha 但是我有约 就没去到咯XD
大概十点半酱 就跟表姐表弟去ahken哥哥(pennie jiejie's boyfren)'s 哥哥开的"甜品哥哥"yamcha
他很废一下的咯 一个读医生的人竟然可以酱幼稚 哈哈哈 不过他也有认真的时候啦
我点了一个椰果西米露 不是很好吃 我吃到有一点牛奶的味道 我讨厌牛奶
大概11.45pm,就回家咯 本来还以为不用给钱的 哈哈哈 就ahken 哥哥请我们吃咯(可能他回家跟他哥哥claim回)
然后ahken要回家拿东西 路上我们看到云顶那边有烟花 才知道已经过了12点 就在车狂喊merdeka 哈哈哈
他竟然乱丢苹果种子在highway!!我和meijwin就一直在那边跟他吵 扯到去野狗和该死的人 哈哈哈 就在我们互吵的时候 他没有很专心地驾车 突然间有几个人站在highway的flyover旁边 开手机的登在那边挥来挥去 原来下面有警察block 他们(大过我的)讲他们那些应该是刚去clubbing 有喝酒的 所以就停在旁边不要给警察抓 我们也突然间慌乱了 因为后面坐着4个人 我们不想陪rm300 meijwin叫我sok去下面 因为我在里面是最矮的 也最小只啦 哈哈
然后他们就用那laptop来遮住我 tern就开书来遮着我的头 哈哈
幸好没被发现 很惊险 也很刺激 哈哈 过了大概0.5km ahken哥哥开窗骂:" bodoh! balik rumah!!!" hahaha
过后就在pennie姐姐家谈天 他和meijwin姐姐在那边涂指甲油 我就上网咯
本来还讲今天早上要去吃早餐的 怎知道一起身就1pm了
when the time you feel SO tired and cannot stand anymore, do not give up because that is the time you start improving.
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Saturday, 29 August 2009
the farewell with stephanie jiejie.
morning. account tuition.
then, teacher said cuti tahun penggal 2 means this week's holiday.
so skip bm tuition at pj.. ngekngek.
at first sms cueheng ask him to yamcha together.
so fetch him at taman ehsan there.
called yeeying. and sms jianhui.
jianhui no reply. yeeying said she go straighly.
so we went desa park and hv our lunch.
actually juz me only lar.
coz both of them ate ad.
chit chat... yeah!we ate sushi.LOL
expensive lor. spend rm50+ "bo lui liao"
he actually very nice and quite handsome der.
but. aiks.. no perfect guy in this world lar.
ok. skip to night event.
went louis house and farewell with her sister.
LOL. we chat about 30 hours famine again.
then. all of us hv to perform to let her sister as some memories on us.XD
1st is weihung. piano. he quite geng actually. he can memorize the whole pieces.
2nd jianhui and weijean. 自弹自唱 with guitar wow. 我欣赏会弹吉他的女生. 很有个性
3rd yuenxin and michael. LOL. their micky and minne show. michael really look like micky.
4th my turn. dance lor. ntg else to show. LOL. SHOW ME YOUR LOVE(not complete). louzy. i long long time din dance new jazz and hiphop ad. macam cacat..
5th louis and edward. they sing rap. errrr. very geng also.
then took some picture b4 we back home.
drive alone. scared. not dare to look the back mirrow. you know lar. wat month now.XD
on the way, saw jianhui's car pass by me.== seiye
i want to follow his back. but he too fast. (he sure purposely geh. coz he saw my car ad.) bad guy
reach home watch 舞林大道
night. sleep.XD
to stephanie jiejie: wish you all the best ya. remember bring souvenir for me when you back.wakakaka.jk lar.XD
then, teacher said cuti tahun penggal 2 means this week's holiday.
so skip bm tuition at pj.. ngekngek.
at first sms cueheng ask him to yamcha together.
so fetch him at taman ehsan there.
called yeeying. and sms jianhui.
jianhui no reply. yeeying said she go straighly.
so we went desa park and hv our lunch.
actually juz me only lar.
coz both of them ate ad.
chit chat... yeah!we ate sushi.LOL
expensive lor. spend rm50+ "bo lui liao"
he actually very nice and quite handsome der.
but. aiks.. no perfect guy in this world lar.
ok. skip to night event.
went louis house and farewell with her sister.
LOL. we chat about 30 hours famine again.
then. all of us hv to perform to let her sister as some memories on us.XD
1st is weihung. piano. he quite geng actually. he can memorize the whole pieces.
2nd jianhui and weijean. 自弹自唱 with guitar wow. 我欣赏会弹吉他的女生. 很有个性
3rd yuenxin and michael. LOL. their micky and minne show. michael really look like micky.
4th my turn. dance lor. ntg else to show. LOL. SHOW ME YOUR LOVE(not complete). louzy. i long long time din dance new jazz and hiphop ad. macam cacat..
5th louis and edward. they sing rap. errrr. very geng also.
then took some picture b4 we back home.
drive alone. scared. not dare to look the back mirrow. you know lar. wat month now.XD
on the way, saw jianhui's car pass by me.== seiye
i want to follow his back. but he too fast. (he sure purposely geh. coz he saw my car ad.) bad guy
reach home watch 舞林大道
night. sleep.XD
to stephanie jiejie: wish you all the best ya. remember bring souvenir for me when you back.wakakaka.jk lar.XD
Thursday, 27 August 2009
went to watch 大内密探with meijwin just now.
coz too boring at home ad.i dun want be the 宅女
so ask her to go watch movie with me.XD
errr.. actually i feel ok only lar.not that nice.
i want watch G.I.JOE and dance flick.
finally, holiday din study much at home also.
exam..... hopeless ad.
coz too boring at home ad.i dun want be the 宅女
so ask her to go watch movie with me.XD
errr.. actually i feel ok only lar.not that nice.
i want watch G.I.JOE and dance flick.
finally, holiday din study much at home also.
exam..... hopeless ad.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
30 hours famine 2009
今天是星期二 从饥饿30营回来了两天 很难忘咧
这个camp的过程很短 大家都还没来得及熟 就这样结束了
好吧 就从星期六早上开始讲好了 早上被姐姐讲了一下 说什么spm了 还去参加这些活动
又跟妈米讲 h1n1现在这样流行 还让我去 什么什么地 没有理他 妈咪就载我去louis家 跟大家集合了
到了louis 家有 hung, louis's姐姐, louis..
他一看到我 就问不是要穿长裤咩 但是我记得洁鑫是说舒服就好的喔
他就call给我们的营长问blablabla 勉强是可以咯 弄到我的mood掉到谷底了 有不想去的冲动
过后我们就去manjalara吃点心 在creative附近的.. 忘了什么名
然后就出发 真的是.. 明明就在我们吃点心的隔几条而已 就被我们的好营长弄到我们blurblur.
还弯到去metro prima.
不过最后还是到了 check 血压 换营服 戴口罩 进营
commitee们在教手语 就乱乱地学了一通
开始玩那所谓的好好玩的游戏..hahaha.. 用了3个小时来玩这个游戏
是扮演灾民 然后寻找自己失散了的家人 我抽到 俄国人 小妹妹 5岁 名叫 NADIA EGOROV.
wow.. 然后善彤也是我的家人 我们要用报纸和一些材料来建屋子 过程波折重重啊..
加上我的家庭成员也没有很合作地说 所以玩到也没很尽兴
不过从过程中学到了蛮多东西的 领取食物还要用色诱地 我的天呀
过后就一直跟自己的家人一组了 哈哈 我跟SUSU(jean的妹妹) 都很不愿意地说
然后一连串的游戏 看影片 发现营长"火车没到头"等等地趣事 哈哈哈
让我们忘了饥饿.. 也是我第一次没喊饿 哈哈哈
出奇吧 死肥猪 看死我顶不顺啦 I DID IT. BLEK..
晚上 鼻子敏感 没有冷气 弄到我们全部人都睡不着
第二天醒来 鼻子是红色地 啊 痒死我了
然后 手语练习 大合照后就出发去stadium bukit jalil了..
我本来以为是所有的营员 来自不同营地的营员一起表演手语地 怎知道原来就只是我们kepong branch 的
很光荣一下 hahaha
不过大家都比地一团乱 不过很开心 嘻嘻
开始时 大家都很尽情地喊 不久后 没力了 必须留下最后的力气在阿妹压轴表演的时候
high爆全场 所以就一起睡觉去了 哈哈哈
果然 最后阿妹的三天三夜 炸爆整个stadium bukit jalil.
大家一致的左右挥动手势 感动了阿妹 我们也超high地 不停地狂跳 哈哈哈
到现在还是无法忘记那个场面 是多么地壮观呀
倒数活动结束后 大家还是一样地high 不停拿着soya bean饮胜.....
然后又拍大合照 营长说感受 然后就回去了
晚上 跟louis他们去metro prima吃东西
我的头发和脸部已经油得无可形容了 so....disgusting.urhhh.
这次的camp真得很有意义 很开心 也让我自己有了一个小秘密 XD
哈哈哈 yayy...
30 hours famine gogogo.. <3
link: http://mapleweijean.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!CB0B4BAAAA40FD48!7317.entry
今天是星期二 从饥饿30营回来了两天 很难忘咧
这个camp的过程很短 大家都还没来得及熟 就这样结束了
好吧 就从星期六早上开始讲好了 早上被姐姐讲了一下 说什么spm了 还去参加这些活动
又跟妈米讲 h1n1现在这样流行 还让我去 什么什么地 没有理他 妈咪就载我去louis家 跟大家集合了
到了louis 家有 hung, louis's姐姐, louis..
他一看到我 就问不是要穿长裤咩 但是我记得洁鑫是说舒服就好的喔
他就call给我们的营长问blablabla 勉强是可以咯 弄到我的mood掉到谷底了 有不想去的冲动
过后我们就去manjalara吃点心 在creative附近的.. 忘了什么名
然后就出发 真的是.. 明明就在我们吃点心的隔几条而已 就被我们的好营长弄到我们blurblur.
还弯到去metro prima.
不过最后还是到了 check 血压 换营服 戴口罩 进营
commitee们在教手语 就乱乱地学了一通
开始玩那所谓的好好玩的游戏..hahaha.. 用了3个小时来玩这个游戏
是扮演灾民 然后寻找自己失散了的家人 我抽到 俄国人 小妹妹 5岁 名叫 NADIA EGOROV.
wow.. 然后善彤也是我的家人 我们要用报纸和一些材料来建屋子 过程波折重重啊..
加上我的家庭成员也没有很合作地说 所以玩到也没很尽兴
不过从过程中学到了蛮多东西的 领取食物还要用色诱地 我的天呀
过后就一直跟自己的家人一组了 哈哈 我跟SUSU(jean的妹妹) 都很不愿意地说
然后一连串的游戏 看影片 发现营长"火车没到头"等等地趣事 哈哈哈
让我们忘了饥饿.. 也是我第一次没喊饿 哈哈哈
出奇吧 死肥猪 看死我顶不顺啦 I DID IT. BLEK..
晚上 鼻子敏感 没有冷气 弄到我们全部人都睡不着
第二天醒来 鼻子是红色地 啊 痒死我了
然后 手语练习 大合照后就出发去stadium bukit jalil了..
我本来以为是所有的营员 来自不同营地的营员一起表演手语地 怎知道原来就只是我们kepong branch 的
很光荣一下 hahaha
不过大家都比地一团乱 不过很开心 嘻嘻
开始时 大家都很尽情地喊 不久后 没力了 必须留下最后的力气在阿妹压轴表演的时候
high爆全场 所以就一起睡觉去了 哈哈哈
果然 最后阿妹的三天三夜 炸爆整个stadium bukit jalil.
大家一致的左右挥动手势 感动了阿妹 我们也超high地 不停地狂跳 哈哈哈
到现在还是无法忘记那个场面 是多么地壮观呀
倒数活动结束后 大家还是一样地high 不停拿着soya bean饮胜.....
然后又拍大合照 营长说感受 然后就回去了
晚上 跟louis他们去metro prima吃东西
我的头发和脸部已经油得无可形容了 so....disgusting.urhhh.
这次的camp真得很有意义 很开心 也让我自己有了一个小秘密 XD
哈哈哈 yayy...
30 hours famine gogogo.. <3
link: http://mapleweijean.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!CB0B4BAAAA40FD48!7317.entry
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Friday, 7 August 2009
刚才好好笑 补完习后 雯燕叫我不要驾酱快 结果他还驾快过我
感觉在赛车 但是也不算啦 只是在路上就你追我 我追你的
10分钟就会到家了 平时要20分钟的 哈哈哈
在分叉路口时 雯燕还挥挥手跟我说再见 很好笑的感觉
回家的路途 发现今天的月亮特别亮 特别大 也特别美
after school gigi came my yima hse.
then we went desa park together.
wanna eat sushi for tea time firstly. but the restaurant closed.TT
bought coffee bean, then she bought ice cream.
chitchat for around half an hour i think
then went home. changed. went SWIMMING!!yayy.
finally i went with my fren.
everytime also go myself.very bored.
and we make a decision.
every thursday she came my hse and we go for swimming.
then overnight at my hse.
the next morning i fetch her out and chunhong(his classmate) fetch her to school
wow..such a good idea lar.XD
刚才好好笑 补完习后 雯燕叫我不要驾酱快 结果他还驾快过我
感觉在赛车 但是也不算啦 只是在路上就你追我 我追你的
10分钟就会到家了 平时要20分钟的 哈哈哈
在分叉路口时 雯燕还挥挥手跟我说再见 很好笑的感觉
回家的路途 发现今天的月亮特别亮 特别大 也特别美
after school gigi came my yima hse.
then we went desa park together.
wanna eat sushi for tea time firstly. but the restaurant closed.TT
bought coffee bean, then she bought ice cream.
chitchat for around half an hour i think
then went home. changed. went SWIMMING!!yayy.
finally i went with my fren.
everytime also go myself.very bored.
and we make a decision.
every thursday she came my hse and we go for swimming.
then overnight at my hse.
the next morning i fetch her out and chunhong(his classmate) fetch her to school
wow..such a good idea lar.XD
night - pasar malam. - lok lok. yummy
Monday, 3 August 2009
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