Tuesday 13 December 2011

charity ballet concert 2011

期待了大半年的ballet concert圆满结束了 有很不舍得的感觉
准备的过程 虽然有一阵子感觉很闷很闲 但是我跟一班dancemates 建立了很好的友谊 (开心)
虽然这次的表演有些遗憾 但是总结来说还很不错 4支舞都是很不同的风格
有很古典的芭蕾 到 很狂野性感的burlesque 到 很活泼可爱的gee 到 很allegro的paquita
4支都很喜欢 虽然没有瘦很多 但是还好有瘦一点点 呵呵

the hard work of stretching.XD
burlesque photo session a day before performance
nutcracker - snowflakes
these are our teamwork
haha.. okay, here comes the geelook at my skinny partner-kelly
paquita ending kersi
thanks for coming
oh yeah my best ever ballet pose on stage! during rehearsal
ending pose of burlesque

Monday 15 August 2011

110815 update. =)

很不想接受这个事实 我竟然跟kelly 跳duet 我的天
不知道的朋友 听好了 kelly 是我们班(算是我们班吧?)最瘦 最厉害 腿muscle最完美的学生 才15岁呢
老师竟然把我(肥)酱身材的人的人 跟kelly一起跳 说真的 这当然是我的荣幸啦 老师把我排在跟kelly一起跳 就是说我也不差咯..只是肥..这我认 但是我又很懊恼 这次的concert 又不知道要听到多少人说我肥了 你要知道 就算不肥 跟一个超骨感的人站在一起 那个比例 会很大!!! T.T
不减也不能了(好啦, 我知道我说了很多很多次 不要重复廖)

最近的生活还不错啦 只是会经常发梦 梦过我姐姐 梦过我亲戚 梦过他 梦过睡迟廖 hahaha
ohya 我终于考完了所有piano practical and theory!! completed!! 是一件很值得庆祝的事情
要知道 对我们这些对piano没什么热情的人 能走到这里真的很不容易
有很多很多次曾经想过放弃 因为老师aka表姐对我的期望和希望 一直一直不放弃地要我考完grade 8
现在总算完成了13年的钢琴路程.. 以后... 哈哈哈 可能会还回给老师了吧..XD
现在要专注的 就是学业,瘦!和跳舞.. 我要有酒窝的屁股(不明白的就算了)XD hahahaha...

Saturday 23 July 2011


3 weeks holiday finally goes to the end.T.T
oh no~ uni life have to start again. assignment, presentation, sigh.
semester 1 results had released and it was better than what I expected. but still, not that good.
3 subjects with only P1!!! why don't give me some credits.
anyway, I'm still able to continue my sem2 successfully. Just work hard. =)

Here comes my week3 holiday - Singapore Lion King trip =)
Went Singapore visit my sister plus lihui. Plane delayed 2 hours the 1st day. =.= sitting in the coffee bean and waiting. sister and cheeleong korkor came to pick me up in changi airport. =) touch. because that time was 1230am and almost 1am. they wait there from 9something I guess.

Second day
meet up with lihui at orchard. haha. We both don't really know the way actually. Just follow the mrt map and reached there on time luckily. Lunch with lihui, then shop a while. We got lost in orchard road. =.= and the weather in Singapore is freaking hot! sweat sweat sweat! I think I should really cut my fringe. it's too oily!! Sister bring me to eat crab noodles at night. wowowow. yummy~XD

crab noodle.

Third day, had brunch with sister at WILD HONEY, orchard. and accidentally ordered a glass of cocktail. =.= I though it was lime juice. and it cost $18!! WTH?! "gak ngang" drink it bah. Since it taste a bit sour like lime juice also. LOL.. After that, high tea with sister at HIGH SOCIETY, marina bay sand while waiting for the LION KING musical. Next, meet up with GIGI.XD hahaha..

ps: LION KING was super awesome! should not miss it for those who love musical performance, dance, music, drama. really worth to watch it! Everything was just perfect! Their technology, their costumes, their props, their backdrop, their ACTORS? PROFESSIONAL! thumbs up. =)

my english breakfast

high tea at HIGH SOCIETY.
Gigi:"eh hello!!"

脸上放松XD 样衰
世上最做作的自拍 假装望别边
Forth day, SHOP!!! Yes, we came back with almost empty purse. hahaha. We had our dinner with sister and cheeleong korkor at BREWERKZ. a pub? I dunno. But I like the environment. next desserts. hahaha!!! omg! The chocolate ice-cream? It do has a name but i forgot ad, damn delicious! Me and Gigi finished it and both of us felt guilty. ahaaha.. because it was damn fattening!




my sister was funny. =.=

Last day
, pack and we're almost late for the flight. haha. bubble tea and unagi rice burger as brunch. =)

I do like my Singapore trip for my this sem break. hoho. At least I did something meaningful and not just eat, sleep and internet at home. being a

unagi rice burger.