Friday 29 January 2010

29.01.10 GOOD friday.XD


i really like fridays. bcoz the class end at 1pm.
then after that i can hang out with my buddies. woohooo!!
hmm.. after class, yun took taxi from sunway pyramid to taylors and met me.
really miss her so much. she wanna hug me when she saw me. XD
after that, we went to 1u SHOPPING, chit-chatting, and met some frens work in 1u.XD
tsan came to meet us at 4pm ++
this was the 1st time we gather together after the last day of school.
really miss the time we had been together in high school.
just left qian. she was working recently. so, no chance to hang out with her.
after yun left, me and tsan went for dinner in sushi zanmai.
we were chatting crazily when we chat about super junior.. haha
back to tsan hse after our dinner. bought coffee bean b4 going back to her house.
chitchat in her house for 1.30 hours.XD
next round - chandran with n group.
saw ivan, ahjack, kelvin and albee..
reached home at 12am++

Sunday 24 January 2010


homework homework homework.
i had totally lost confidence in my maths. arh..
i miss MR NG so much!!! i want ask him to teach me ad. LOL

hmmm... cny is coming soon.XD
im looking forward to it. hahaha.. want go out with my buddies.
go visit hse by hse. go visit teachers..
eat a lot a lot.. hahahaha..
then after cny, my birthday. woohoo.. LOL
how should i celebrate? haha. my buddies want celebrate with me?
=( as i know, they have no plan.
anyway. still a long time to go.

valentine. aiks.. no couple. celebrate with parents this year. LOL
desmond, thomas.. everyone in relationship ad.
congratz to them lar. XD
just dun forget me. hahaha.

nasional service.
today i realise, edmund was in alor gajah too.. wth..
the same camp with me.. hrrrrrr...
why dun he told me earlier. then, we can be in the same camp ad.
this week he take mc.XD so, just now met him at msn.. chat with him and realise that.
LOL... watever...

going to watch super junior's concert on 20th of march!!!
YEAH!!!woohooooo.. im super duper excited..hahahaha
but the ticket is.... super expensive.. hahaha.
but anyway, i can pay it back slowly to litsan. hehe.
thanks a lot ya..tsan, muackss..

Wednesday 20 January 2010

college life part3

homework is heavy..
a lot of pressure. dunno why. =p
mathematical is harder than specialist maths!!! omg..
i miss my buddies so much..

went to have our so call "lunch" at pizza hut on 10AM!!XD with all the classmates. 20++ ppls.
LOL.. no choice. bcoz that time was the only break for us throughout the whole day...
quite fun actually. we late for 10mins. then whole branch of ppls walk into the classroom together. hahaha
luckily our spec maths teacher is kind.XD
didnt scold us at all. woohooo!!

economic class was stress... need to speak out and explain explain explain.
im not expert in voice up.. =(

after school.. when i was going downstairs..
guess who i met? LOL...
my standard 1 seats' partner!!XD - andrew toh jinjin..
i called his name at the back of him.. to assure.
yes, he turn back and seems like cant recognise me..
i was like sooooooooooo "fish"
ok.. fortunately, he is just playing with me. =.=
so we just chit chat-ing at the stairs..
you know what he told me?!XD
he said :" as a girl, i should eat more.."
hahaha. did he means that im very thin?! @@ LOL.....
thanks to him so much. haha..

reached home at 3.30pm..
what a tired day.
tomorrow need to wake up early again and skip the traffic jam.. haih.. =(
now i know why do ppl need a driver..

Friday 15 January 2010

college life part.2 vs men in tutus.

started college life for 3 days ad. haha
2nd day quite fine actually. coz i get more frens ad. XD
lihui from gemas. sitting beside me. LOl.she is quite SIAU also.

weikeay from ipoh. erm. she is quite nice also. from chinese independent school.
scenetheng. sitting in front of me. err. she very
quiet. so.. didnt talk much with her also.
i like the class beside me more than my class.
you know why. their class laugh madly everytime.=( im so envy.wuwuwu.
make me think about my high school life again.

i can laugh crazily. talk loudly. talk nonsence with my buddies in the class.
haih. miss you all so much.

guess who i saw in taylors subang?
the one who same birthyear, month and day with me.XD
but he cant recognize me i think.

hoho.. cause i bcome prettier ad. hahahahaha.. jk lar.
ok. the same words. i will try my best to get into the n
ew life and new environment.
ps. the food here is much more cheaper
than lakeside and hartamas campus. =)


went to watch MEN IN TUTUS with gigi, elaine, siowjing and her sis.
hmm.. i did watched this in dvd.
thats quite boring in some parts. but the BOYS are all awesome. omg.
they wore pointshoes!!! OMG..
and the dying swan was so funny. ahahaha.
ps. elaine jiejie cut her hair.XD so COOL.

he is huge!! haha
blink blink.he is so shiny.XD
i likfe the middle one. he is handsome and beautiful.XD

Wednesday 13 January 2010

my 1st day of college life

cant actually fall asleep at the eve of college life start. =(
then, hv to wake up early in the morning.
7am leave from my hse. my sister go with me today.
teach me the place to parking. then had breakfast with her at starbucks..
OMG. there are sooooo much STUDENTS there..
all the seniors are selling their SAM text books outside taylors.
went in to the school. walked to the multi purpose hall for orientation.
fuiyoh. so crowded..
found a seat. quite behind actually.
sit alone lor of course. no choice mar. no frens at all. =(
saw those ppl all came with their frenss. so, sms with litsan.

when the orientation started, the principle gave speech blablabla.
my eyes are going to drop off..
felt that my head so heavy...=.=

1 hour breaktime
what can i do. i had no car today. coz my sister bring me here today.
so, just walked to the nearest fastfood restaurant - mcd
cheap and fast mar.XD
after that. sit aside alone. and look at donghae's picture in my phone..
1 hour passed.
back to the hall.
que up and get my student id. LOL.. the picture is funny. but, at least better than my ic. T.T
after that. walked here and there. dunno where to go.
listened some of the students said can go into the class ad.
then, checked my class location and walked there.
walauwei.. my class is at the 5th level. the highest!!! and also the cornerest!!!!
so goloktau.. i found it after asking for someone help..
errr.... the 2 girls sitting beside me are quite cute lar.
they came from pahang..fuiyoh.. so far.=.=
then, i introduce myself lor.. blablabla..
then sit there quitely.. wait for the mentors to appear..
classmates came in one after another.
got indians, chinese, mix?.... no malays..
ok lar.. quite a lot of them speak chinese.
got a gang of them..=.= make me think about my high school life.
they came with a gang. and also in the same class with me.
they talked loudly and feel like so 38.
i so hope to join them.. LOL..
anyway, we not yet know each other also. still got 10 months to go..
today, the mentors just talk about the rules, timetable and .........
2pm. class dismiss.
outside was still crowded..
seniors shouting :" SAM TEXT BOOK!!! BUY 1 FREE 3..!!" lol
of course i knew they were joking. coz no one want buy their books..hahaha
i waited outside for half and hour and my sis not yet present yet..hrrrr!!!!
and my face look damn "DARK" that time.
everyone seems like scare me and not dare to ask do i need to buy calculators or text book.XD
my 1st image for them ad broken!!!!!arh!!! LOL
haih..fine. forget about it.
still got class tomorrow.

after that. went to sunway pyramid with sister. bought a levis jeans and padini shorts.
went home
taman daya pasar's asam laksa for dinner.
1st day end~

Tuesday 12 January 2010


LOL. eivian's camera flash.XD

bennie. my ex teacher.

elaine jiejie
the sister.XD

before that. we went sg wang to watch a hiphop dance competition.
LOL.. when me and gigi reached there, they were anouncing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd price
we were.. =.=
the 1st price goes to TREN.
2nd price goes to FOX.
3rd price. dunno.XD haha

so sad didnt watch MAX I girls and N CREW's dance.
anyway, took some pictures with my old teamates and frens.XD

carmen and paquita

a ballet performance produced by dancework production and ena ballet studio company in japan.
this performance included malaysians, japaneses, americians and also chinese.XD
its a awesome performace.

etoiles are ZHAO LEI and CONNOR WALSH.
ZHAO LEI, the ballerina which same badge with TAN YUAN YUAN. and also the first soloist of birmingham royal ballet.
CONNOR WALSH, the principal dancer of houston ballet.
all 大人物

and those soloists and dancers are so profesional.
their work is clean and their technique are better than i can describe.XD
and i saw few of my japanese frens.
haha. i really like her. although she's not the best between the ballerina, but she is CUTE.XD
glad that i could see her on stage. haha
hmmm. i watched this in dvd with ZHOU GUI XIN edition when i was in japan.
like what gigi said. 卡门的故事真的很放荡 haha.
but its really nice.

真希望有一天可以变成像他们这样 哈哈

ok. the next performance - MEN IN TUTUS on wednesday. XD

Thursday 7 January 2010

college life coming soon.XD

going to start my college life next wednesday.XD
im nervous. worry. excited.
how will it be? cant imagine.
can i make some new frens like my high school buddies?
arh!!!! hope everything will be fine.

Sunday 3 January 2010

tagged by suetli.XD

oh yeah~ tagged by <- suetli. <3

1. 被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷。
2. 请老实回答每一个问题。
3. 不得擅自涂改题目。
4. 写完后请点10位小朋友,不可不点。
5. 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。
6. 那8位小朋友填完问卷,必须把问卷寄回给你问卷的人

幸福套餐 No.1
1)你的绰号:jinjin, ahtorng, torng, torngtorng, feitorng T.T
2)年龄:going to be 18. =(
3)生日: 20.02.92.
5)兴趣: ?? er..laugh? haha.i dunno.
6)专长:dancing. XD

1)你有没有喜欢的人?: now? dun hv. =(
3)现在幸福不?: erm.consider bah..XD
4)如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事情?:travel around the world ALONE. =p
5)如果有天,你爱的人和你告白的话?:wow.XD accept it without thinking anything.XDhoho

1)点你的人是?: suetli
2)他是你的?:my good fren that sitting beside me in standard 6.
3)他的个性?:siau? =p hahaha
4)认识他多久?:errr.. at least 12 years.. XD
5)你觉得他怎样?:hmm. how to describe le. change alot compare to last time i knew her.XD a very sweet frens.
6)你想对他说什?: friendship do not change ya.XD love you..muackssss..

1)最爱的节目: err.. alot wor.
2)最爱的音乐: not bluez.
3)最爱的季节: summer and winter..
7)最爱的国家:malaysia. my home.
8)最爱的天气:the weather after raining.

1)如果上天给你三个愿望:ok.wished inside my heart,XD
2)你是很专一的人吗?:of course! you can ask whoever that close to me.haha
3)最深刻的回忆?:errr...err...err.. =x secret.
4)你是个很有信心的人吗?: definately not.
6)如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗?:no. although its not perfect, but i do enjoy my life.
7)妄想什么样的生活?:hmm. keep away from troubles and live happily with everyone that i love.
8)是否横刀夺爱才是爱?:dunno. but this wont happened on me.

1. caiyun
2. yeepeng
3. meixian
4. weijean
5. desmond
6. raymond
7. seifeiju.XD
8. fengtian
9. haoyu
10. albee