Friday, 28 November 2008


昨天才知道不能带电脑去 因为那边的宿舍不允许的
然后就告诉他 因为我们讲好了的 我在日本的时候就要用skype来连络
他昨天问我几点的机 我说11.55pm
他昨天也说过晚上会 call我 我等到2点多就睡着了
4点多的时候 他send了一封msg说b4 9.30会打给我
他说他回着马六甲 听了有点伤心 因为本来以为他下午会on9的
坐他隔壁的时候 我竟然没有什么感觉 我应该要觉得很开心 很兴奋才是啊
过后他载我去selayang mall的时候 我们也没有话讲
他跟他姐姐就走在前面 而我就自己一个走在后面
结果那天蛮不开心的 就觉得我跟他根本就是不同世界的人
跟倩讲了那个过程 眼睛就湿湿了
说真的 我去日本 最不舍得的当然是我家人啦
第二就是他 然后就到我的好朋友
我没有什么野心 就只想跟他的感情一直维持这样

Thursday, 27 November 2008

hhaha.and one more things.. hoho. i got distinction for my advance found ballet exam.
in the begining of distinction only.. 76%
i really din expect i will get this result. coz dunno why this time really no confidence at all.
mayb because of yinpink?!?!

today went for undang exam again
finally i passed,46/50

night - went to meijwin jiejie hse ,bake muffin with her
her boy friend birthday tomorrow.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

in the morning, attend undang exam near rahman putra there.
well.. i fail ad. 40/50 ..yeeyin 47/50.. so clever lar her.
aih. i hv to pay rm40 and retake on this thursday.
why im so stupid huh?!

then, went to tren for competition training at 1pm.
its quite fun actually. dance dance dance. whole body sweat
then, when i gonna go for tuition, arounf 4pm, i told bennie i cant attend for training for around 1 month coz im going japan this saturday
i though ASH had told her.
but she didnt know.
so, she ask me to give up because she scare i cant catch up the dance with the group members and later 拖累them.although she din say 拖累this word.but,the meaning is like that.
so, the only way is i give up in this competition.
quite not happy and sit on the floor watch them practice.
dunno why i feel so sad. mayb because of i ad hv the mood for competition?!
aih.dunno..suan le bah

walked to jusco and take taxi to cekap.
saw haoyu and talk with him.. i really feel very moody that time.
then, tuition chemistry and sit alone.
1st time..hheehehehe
after tuition saw kaiyen.. want him console me.
but he didnt. he's noob... hahahhaa. no lar.juz kidding.
he quite good der. my brother.


Friday, 21 November 2008

上个星期日 跟家人去 the garden.下escalator的时候
hahahaha就突然间回想起过往 好笑
还有一个好像是他的弟弟 他们应该是孖生的
不过还蛮矮的 所以我确定不是stevenC

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

today went to SRI SINAR learnt undang with yeeyin
when i registered, i saw that got a person's ic number the six number in front is same with me
omg..means he same birth year, month, date with me
he was the second person that i found that same birth year, month and date with me
after the break, when we all were waiting for the "teacher", i saw his hp same as me too.W850i
omg. why so "kiu"??
so got fate meh
the first person i found is the boy sit with me while im standard 4
陈俊雄haha i still remember his name..
same surname with me. haha
today listen undang damn bored.
5 hours. but actually only 3-4hours like dat only.
quite hard actually. i never pay attention.haha
really tired there lar.

他的背影 (偷偷拍的)

Friday, 7 November 2008

Thursday, 6 November 2008

me and meijwin jiejie
表嫂终于生了 恭喜她
baby 的名叫 冯卓? haha..还没改啦
有个挺挺的鼻子 还蛮像他的妈咪的
开心咧 虽然不是我的baby 但是就是觉得很喜气洋洋的感觉
明天就去医院看可爱的他 呵呵
昨天是姨妈的生日 就去selayang palace吃大餐hohoho
很豪华的感觉 想不到他的分行会开在那边咧
两桌桌子 姨妈一家人 我一家人 姨姨一家人 舅母一家人 22个人



Tuesday, 4 November 2008

今天跟两个“大肚婆”谈天 她们都在讲生仔经
我就坐下来听 结果被我表哥讲我很八 哈哈哈 我承认啊
她们一个是我表嫂 一个是我表姐
表嫂这个是第二胎了 这个星期应该都要生了
表嫂讲她的经验 原来生小孩 盘骨会张开 听到就觉得很恐怖
然后咧 自然生的话 要出院的时候 必须“上大” 可以想象到下体是多么的痛吗
然后不可以坐着上 一定要蹲着 因为坐着伤口会裂开 omg..
我听到的时候 就觉得妈妈很伟大
表嫂就说 女人啊 就是这么辛苦 男人就轻松
那天我表哥还说 哎呀 很容易的啦 一下子就出来了 ==
他们说就容易 他们根本不明白那种痛

Sunday, 2 November 2008

round face.omg

went the garden today.